In the history of Science, developing of a new instrument has always resulted in new understanding of Reality. Microscope, telescope, X-rays, camera, laser, computer - without these instruments the modern science is powerless. Recently a new instrument came to being - a solid state computerized Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) camera for bio-electrography.
Kirlian glow can be seen with naked eye
Internationally distinguished biophysicist, Prof Konstantin Korotkov from St. Petersburg Tech University in Russia studied the information aspect of stimulated electro-photonic emissions around the human body and other objects for many decades. He found, that in order to be able to extract reliable and repeatable information from the recorded electro-photonic glow it was necessary to optimize the apparatus.
In particular it was necessary to minimize the influence of the ambient temperature and humidity, use a semiconductor camera rather than a photographic process for recording images and optimize parameters of the process of stimulation of electro-photonic emissions. In 1996 Prof Korotkov developed a range of instruments for stimulation, recording and processing of electro-photonic images and called his technique Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV).
At Bioresonant we use the GDV equipment to study