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About the Freedom of Choice book
"Prepare your imagination and intellect to stretch to the limits you never thought possible" says Dr Chalko in the introduction.
"If you can meet the challenge, even to a limited extent, you will know for sure your place and perspectives in the Universe. You will no longer need to "believe" anyone and anything. YOU WILL KNOW." - promises Dr Chalko.
Wouldn’t you like to see your life from the widest perspective imaginable? Wouldn’t you like to KNOW what is really going on in the Universe and WHY? Why did it happen? Why it HAD TO happen? Wouldn’t you like to discover and prove it all without moving from your armchair?
The implications of The Purpose of the Universe described by Dr Chalko in The Freedom of Choice are so profound for every individual human being, that humanity on Earth may one day choose to take the totally new direction...